Laura Rose Misaras's profile

Crater Lake 3D Bathymetry & Videos for K12 Limnology

Crater Lake in the Classroom
Production Management / Web Site Development / Multimedia

This publicly-funded project (shoestring budget) was created for students K-12 grades to promote access to the vast learning opportunities available at Crater Lake National Park in Oregon, USA.  Inclement weather limits students access during the school year, so the scientists and staff partnered with Laura Rose Misaras to bring Crater Lake to the classroom via technology.
Crater Lake 3D Bathymetry Data Fly-Through CD-ROM
Concept / Negotiations / Production / Packaging / Publishing

Thanks to the generosity of Fledermaus sharing its 3D viewing software, and the generosity of the USGS sharing its bathymetry data, students explore the bottom of Crater Lake from virtually any angle and scale.
The Caldera
Multimedia Video Production / Editing / FX / Web Publishing

Introducing Crater Lake National Park, the site of Crater Lake formed in a volcanic crater with a depth of 1943 feet (592 meters) making it the deepest known lake in our nation.
Sechhi Disk
Multimedia Video Production / Editing / FX / Web Publishing

Crater Lake scientists demonstrate the use of Secchi Disks used to measure lake clarity at Crater Lake National Park in Oregon, USA.
CTD Device
Multimedia Video Production / Editing / FX / Web Publishing

Crater Lake National Park scientists explain and demonstrate the use this CTD device to measure conductivity, temperature, depth, chlorophyll level, and transparency.
Life in the Lake
Multimedia Video Production / Editing / FX / Web Publishing

Features the amazing variety of life in the lake, including zooplankton (animal life) and phytoplankton (plant life). Original footage from the USGS adventure underwater in a submersible lowered by helicopter into the lake traveling along the bottom is included.
Plankton Sampling
Multimedia Video Production / Editing / FX / Web Publishing

Crater Lake scientists collect and analyze samples of plankton, life in the lake at Crater Lake National Park in Oregon, USA.
Climate Measure 
Multimedia Video Production / Editing / FX / Web Publishing

Crater Lake scientist explains how climate is measured on the lake.
Crater Lake 3D Bathymetry & Videos for K12 Limnology

Crater Lake 3D Bathymetry & Videos for K12 Limnology

Video clips from the K-12th grade science curriculum with lesson plans on Limnology, the study of lakes, featuring Crater Lake National Park jam- Read More
