Stuart Douglas Harris's profile

Daughters of Ra: Pakhet

The protectoress of mothers and little children, Pakhet was the daughter of Ra and one of the most ancient goddesses of Egypt. She was believed to give inner strength to people, especially to women. Associated with fierce desert storms, Pakhet was said to wander the desert alone at night, searching for prey. She was often pictured as a woman with the head of a lioness or as a caracal, often killing snakes with her sharp claws. I chose to represent Pakhet as a caracal.
Pakhet stands about 6" tall and is made with parts from Kidrobot's Trikky (head), Munny (body) and Kracka (arms) vinyl DIY toys.
Daughters of Ra: Pakhet

Daughters of Ra: Pakhet

One of a three custom toys in the Daughters of Ra series made for Collect and Display at ToyCon UK 2016
