LG Norouz Promotion 2016

      Concurrency of LG’s Nowrouz promotion with spring, season of germination and renewal, lead us to main concept of this campaign. Cherry blossom as a main object is the best choice that select for all images. Cherry blossom is one of the symbol of Korea, and also it is a very beautiful sign of spring. The purpose of this campaign is presenting various cash discount and valuable gifts. Also slogan must imply to start a new season in business and economy of country with hopeful tone. So we create this slogan for this campaign: Nowrouz, is your day, and Nowrouz means new day.

Art direction : Hamidreza Daneshfar

Concept: Hamidreza Daneshfar,Saeed Rashvand
3D artist and creative retouch: Saeed Rashvand
Illustration : Nikoo Daneshfar

Details and workflows :
LG Norouz Promotion 2016