Nimisha Drolia's profile

Website Re-design of IDMI @ NUS

Design Brief: Interactive and Digital Media Institute is a Research Center at National University of Singapore. It hosts number of research Labs/centers like COSMIC, Ambient Intelligence Lab, Robotics and other which are doing ground breaking research work in Interactive and Digital Media. These labs/ centers have professors, researchers, phd students and associates all working together wo bring new intelligence and solutions. This website is their introduction to the real world about their research and latest happenings. 
My Role: I was the Lead Designer for the website. My role was to scope the project, do information architecture, content strategy, interaction design, visual design and finally develop the site on Joomla a very popular content management system for complex and detailed websites. I collaborated with the IDMI management and professors in-charge to understand the requirement and strategies the project. The role also required for regular interaction with administration as they were to maintain the site in future. 

Design Process:
1. Planning: Meeting with the management and scoping the website. Doing the content strategy, collecting all content like text, images, other stuff. 
2. Design: Understanding the User, their key goals and tasks. Done Information architecture and user flows for quick structuring. For Visual Design, followed the Institute guidelines for Logo, website design. Designed related website banners, IDMI introduction video for the website.  
3. CMS Development: Hosted the website on Joomla. Designed customized template for IDMI following NUS guidelines. The fonts, colours, etc all follow the guidelines. Done the entire development to support easy maintanance and clean navigation 
Link to IDMI Website:
Website Re-design of IDMI @ NUS

Website Re-design of IDMI @ NUS

Redesign of website for Interactive and Digital Media Institute based at National University of Singapore.
