Umbra Coffee
Branding and Print Design
Umbra Coffee is a brand I created in roughly 9 weeks as part of an extensive brand research project for a senior design class. Brand conception began with understanding the 12 Jungian archetypes, later progressing into competitor comparisons, gap analysis, and hundreds of logo, color, and texture studies.
The final project culminates in the form of a grassroots campaign for the brand or company, as well as a final printed book that defines the essence of the brand, different from a corporate "brand standards" booklet.
 Umbra is Latin for "shadow," and also refers to the technical term for the dark side of the moon.
 Photoshop mockup of packaging
 Each phase of the moon correlates to the strength/darkness of the coffee roast (i.e. Full Moon roast is light and bitter; New Moon roast is rich and flavorful).
 "Seize the night."
Umbra Coffee

Umbra Coffee

Umbra Coffee is a coffee brand I developed, aimed at pensive, intellectual creatives (who also happen to have a caffeine addiction).
