Drink Wiser is an App that promotes safe drinking habits. The App features functionality that teaches and reinforces methods that can help people know when they have consumed too much alcohol and offer tips on sobering up or alternative methods of transportation. It also tracks usage to tell if someone is developing an alcohol problem.
App Logo
App Icon, App Download Page, Splash Screen
Main App Menu (top), 3 Screens Displaying Functionality
Top - Main Menu
Slide out menu displaying complete functionality of App
1) Sobriety Games
Offers 4 games to help determine sobriety; tests for reaction time, coordination etc. Results of game will display warnings and suggest alternative transportation if user fails after several attempts
2) BAC Calculator
Will display estimated BAC dependent upon input information, Example: Can be used to estimate alcohol levels of the person who would be driving you home
3) Safer Way Home
Suggests alternative methods of travel, will rearrange order of services dependent upon availability in the users area
Notifications Resulting from Input/Usage of App

1) Heavy Usage Notification
Displayed after the App detects heavy usage for several consecutive days
2) Safe Drinking Habits Notification
Displayed while using the App, will remind users to drink water and eat while consuming alcohol to maintain a safe BAC
Drink Wiser App

Drink Wiser App

Drink Wiser is an App that promotes safe drinking habits. The App features functionality that teaches and reinforces methods that can help people Read More
