A concert poster for Deftones' show in San Antonio, TX on March 19, 2016.
Deftones are easily one of my favorite bands of all time. Hands down, top 3, easy. It's been dope to see them evolve and change as a band and still somehow stay true to their sound. When I first heard they were coming to town, the idea for a concert poster hit me and I knew I had to make it into reality. While an actual request from musicians is dope, sometimes as a fan you just want to create something awesome because they inspire you. This poster is exactly that. The idea was to utilize a close-up of a flamingo in homage to the cover of their newest release, Gore. The first sketch below is the initial idea I had of a 3-color screenprinted poster. I sketched out the idea and used a brush pen and the idea was that it was going to be mostly black behnind the flamingo with a few greens of foliage coming through, some greenish waters, and the pink flamingo. But ultimately, I wasn't happy with the result of the first drawing.
The idea was to utilize a close-up of a flamingo in homage to the cover of their newest release, Gore. The first sketch below is the initial idea I had of a 3-color screenprinted poster. I sketched out the idea and used a brush pen and the idea was that it was going to be mostly black behnind the flamingo with a few greens of foliage coming through, some greenish waters, and the pink flamingo. But ultimately, I wasn't happy with the result of the first drawing.
I tried again, this time with playing to my strengths--loose, kinetic lines with no pencils underneath. Straight ink to paper. Boom. I was much more happier with this one and was stoked to get it scanned and colored. I drew out some loose lettering and once I got those down, it all came into Photoshop for colors. Sometimes pencils/sketches can hinder the process. You gotta be willing to roll the dice once and while and see what happens.
I decided to go full color at this point versus screenprint and print them on textured paper. This opened up a much wider world for color and technique. Suddenly this became even more fun than I was already having. Having fun is one of the most important things you can do as a creator. Enjoy this shit because no one else is gonna do it for you.
I am focusing on the finished product in this post instead of showing shots of the color process. After getting my proof and first copies, I took some photos to highlight the details. Here are close-ups of the tiny things you may miss at first viewing and the texture in the archival paper. I decided on a limited run of only 15 and made them available in my webstore. (There were only a few left at time of this publishing.) Ultimately, the finished product came out great and the response was dope.
For those of you interested in having custom & innovative design work created for your band, business, or brand, please contact me @ blue73100@gmail.com.