Lang Tian's profile

LOCI - The Travel Diary of Your Life

LOCI is a mobile app service helping people to build their own travel diary.
LOCI allows users to not only pinpoint all the places they visited during their trips, but to add more contents to create independent travel logs. One log could be referred to one page of the personal diary and one memory granted from the trip. The “memories” can be either added by the user or shared from other friends’ profiles, in which case the “borrowed memeories” are correlated between two users.
The idea is valuable for people who pursue to keep all their travel incidents in record, or get inspired from others’ footprints while scheduling travel plans.
LOCI intends to structure new means of taking notes of travel memories. The service would be convenient and effort-saving to retrospect personal trip histories and increase interactions between families and friends.
Service Jam Process  ◢
Service System Overview  ◢
Product User Flow  ◢
Rapid Prototype  ◢
LOCI - The Travel Diary of Your Life

LOCI - The Travel Diary of Your Life

Copenhagen Service Jam Group Concept, 2015 Team: Maria Crucera, Jonas Wenke, Lang Tian
