Wrist Brace

 Wrist Brace for carpal tunnel syndrome sufferer
 This project was part of my second year of studies at the University of Limerick.

The brief was design a wrist brace to effectively resolve the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome for a middle aged housewife. 

Research showed that current braces on the market are designed for holding sprains or for strengthening weak wrists. Most products also have a distinctly sports driven aesthetic. The target for this product was to hold the wrist prone without compressing it while also providing a unintrusive and discrete brace for the target user.

the result is a lightweight brace which allows full movement of fingers and thumb. The project deliverable included 2D linework with an illustrator and photoshop renderings. As the project was in the same semester as our learning Creative Suite the renders are basic.
Wrist Brace

Wrist Brace

Exploration of a wrist brace for a sufferer of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
