Estudi Walabi's profile

7 sentits
Branding per al centre de teràpia ocupacional per a nens anomenat set sentits.
El sistema gràfic està construït amb set formes geomètriques que representen els set sentits: vista, olfacte, oïda, tacte, gust, equilibri i moviment. Aquests elements geomètrics dinàmics funcionen com un joc que estan en constant canvi.

Branding for a children's occupational therapy center called seven senses.
The graphic system is built with seven geometric shapes that represent the seven senses: sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste, balance and movement. These dynamic geometric elements work like a game and are constantly changing.
7 sentits

7 sentits

Branding for a children's occupational therapy center called seven senses. The graphic system is built with seven geometric shapes that represen Read More


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