Katherine Jauczius's profile

Campaign Work for the Australian Greens Party

The work I do for the Greens has an emphasis on legibility and positivity.
I am often conveying complex and many layered issues, so I try to do that
with designs that are segmented, clear and have strong initial impact. 
The aim is not only to inform but to inspire the electorate to engage with
these topics. I design all my publications with a consistent voice and approach, 
to build recognition that aligns with the branding and messaging of the party. 
A 2016 handout for the landmark winning campaign of Jonathan Sri, for local Brisbane Council in the Gabba Ward. The idea was for
this to be kept as a bookmark by voters, I therefore gave space to a decorative top, using illustrations from local artist Anna Carlson. 
Mass mail-out flyer, also for the recent 2016 City Council Election. I was asked to design something distinct from regular Greens' communications so as to convey to undecided voters, who may be wary of political propaganda, that the information was from 
a fair and neutral source. I chose to maintain the triangle motif while utilising a bold colour palate with minimal green.
2015 Newspaper Campaign ad for local Greens candidates.
2015 information dense publication on achievable solutions to problems with traffic congestion in South Brisbane. I worked with illustrations from local artist Anna Carlson to break up the blocks of text and created further interest with a layering effect. I use this effect in conjunction with the drawings as a recurring motif in publications, to imply the party's strength through community integration. 
2014 flyer, sent out to inform local residents of proposed governmental changes to the Kurilpa Peninsula. As this was of particular importance to this electorate, in terms of changes to their lifestyles, the flyer needed to have maximum impact while at the same time providing enough information to contextualise the issue. I chose to give a third of the space to an eye-catching header and then to break the text into more manageable chunks for the viewer to consume. This approach has informed much of my later work for the Greens.
Campaign Work for the Australian Greens Party

Campaign Work for the Australian Greens Party

Designs for Jonathan Sri – Greens Councilman for the Gabba Ward. Their aim was to inspire voters who want positive change in political discourse.
