Katie Baklund's profile

Holiday 2015 Recruitment Campaign - SimplyFun

This campaign should inspire stay-at-home Moms to take advantage of the special 2-day opportunity to earn money before the holidays by joining the team with this direct sales board game company. Our target millenial Mom is the ultimate multi-tasker and therefore has room in her life to do something more for herself and her family. She wants to work on something she cares about – a stronger family life and healthy, happy children.

This campaign resulted in approximately 60 new recruits and was considered an overall success.
Recruitment flyer shown above. This was the main communication for the current sales force to use in recruitment.
Landing page shown above. This was the click-through for any digital ad we placed.
Digital Advertisement
Advertisements included Facebook ads & newsfeed posts. In addition, sites like Macaroni Kid, ParentMap, Raising Arrows, Real Ways to Earn, and Mom. Wife. Busy Life.
Ad placements drove approximately 2,500 leads to the recruitment landing page. 
Facebook newsfeed advertisements
ParentMap.com advertisements
 Home page graphic
Email header graphic
The artwork within this project are the copyrighted and trademarked property of SimplyFun, LLC. No part of the artwork may be reproduced by any means or in any form whatsoever without written permission by SimplyFun, LLC. www.simplyfun.com
Holiday 2015 Recruitment Campaign - SimplyFun

Holiday 2015 Recruitment Campaign - SimplyFun

2015 Holiday Direct Sales Recruitment Campaign
