Sophie Dickson's profile


Mind map
My layout for my CD cover, the grids were quite hard to get pefectly in shape. But i was happy with the final outcome of experimenting with scale.
This is my grided idea of the layout of my cd cover, i researched a few layouts and i used similar ideas.
Using my images i have explored ideas of what will be on the front of my cd cover. Using simple text is eyecatching and the colours used are bright. Using images that are fashion based shows that i am doing a  cd cover for a fashion show.
Developing ideas and samples for potential CD cover, i have created these images on photoshop but i didn't want to use them in my work, the theme of these images didnt really appeal to me.
Experimenting using digital techniques and processes, using photoshop to experiment with different ideas.
I am using bright eyecatching colours within my cd cover so i have researched a lineup of models and different designs, i have used a line up in my cd cover because it is a simple way of showing some of the designs that will be viewed at the show.
Researching text types used in cd covers and exploring colours used. A simple image can be more eyecatching to people, along with the bold text.
Before i had lay planned my cd cover, just the images that i was going to use for my cd cover, experimenting with what colours and text i wanted to use in my work. Experimenting let me see what i liked and what i didn't like about the designs.
My final cd cover, using my grided lay out plan and using similar text on my cd cover as the cd's i have been researching. Showing that i was using photoshop and showing how i used griding to create my hape of my cd cover. I could have maybe added in slightly more text to my cd cover but i didnt want to go overboard with to muvh writing. It was quite difficult to get exactly the right griding and making sure that the CD cover was going to fold properly and sit the way i wanted it too. Using images that relate to a fashion show is showing my tenchnique of comparing with professional work. I am very pleased with my outcome and i wanted really want to change much about my CD cover.
researching invitations and programmes, looking at text, layout and the images being used.
Invitation for VIP evening, using my own photos from when i went to the Ulster museum, the visit had inspired me to use them in my work. I could maybe improve the process by looking more into depth at actual museum invitations from the Ulster Museum, but since i used pictures from the museum and researched into the theme i was working on i am quite happy with the way it has turned out. The difficulties were finding inspiration that really inspired me and that i wanted to use, since i couldnt actually find an Ulster Museum poster it was hard to create something simple and something that was completely my own ideas. My own work compares with work i have researched because the text and lay out is quite similar.
This is a programme that i found, the images are clear and very simple.
 I have used this text in my work as it really shows the vintage museum theme, the joint up writing and the use of wording is being used in my work. I really liked this programme as it is simple yet very effective. Using simple wording so people will be drawn into looking at the programme.
This is my final product, my black background stands out with the white text. Using photoshop i created the border line for over my text, it gives it a vintage effect like the theme of the event. I could of improved the process or outcome by spending a bit more time adding more of my own images to add a bit more excitement. Since my theme is Vintage the image i have used really shows the theme off. I am very happy with my final outcome and i wouldnt change alot about it. My work has been inspired by the text used in the programmes i have researched. It is very simple but yet very effective.




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