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Apple vs. the FBI and Third World Despots

The legal battle between the FBI and Apple promises to be epic. I come down on Apple’s side; we’ve seen how important technology is in undermining evil despotic regimes around the world. If courts can force tech companies to become foot soldiers in regime efforts to spy on their populations that will be a loss for freedom around the world.
I drew this one as a live stream. Watch me color it in Photoshop in real time in the YouTube video below (scroll past the timer at the beginning).
Click on the YouTube video below and it should start at 2:48:40 where I start drawing the Apple vs Despots cartoon after the first cartoon - it was a two cartoon afternoon. Sorry for the lack of editing, but hey, you see everything. I have nothing to hide.
Here is the black and white version that most newspapers will print.
Apple vs. the FBI and Third World Despots

Apple vs. the FBI and Third World Despots

This is a syndicated newspaper editorial cartoon about Apple vs. the FBI
