Suspend was designed and created through an industry sponsored project with Umbra and Target. The project entailed designing an object for the college student. At the end of the project Suspend, a multifunctional piece of furniture that acts as a sidetable, seating, storage, and stacking solution. Direct client relationship management, manufacturing processes, pricepoint, and many other areas were learned through this project. Suspend models were handmade by myself. 
The video below was created to inform the client of the product and its features in a short period. A 30 second "rocket pitch" of what made the piece so great. This was created and edited by myself. Feat Jake Brosius.
Suspend continued its journey beyond the project when it was part of an exhibition at the FRG Objects and Design Gallery in Hudson, NY. There two of the three pieces, handmade by myself, were open to public viewing in the gallery. 
(Photo Credits: Sheva Fruitman + Shane Siever)


Suspend was designed and created through an industry sponsored project with Umbra and Target. The project entailed designing an object for the co Read More
