Here you can see some commissioned spots I made in team in the last three years .

Commisioned spot for the indipendent magazine for children "Lo Spunk",
published by children's bookshop Momo (Ravenna), illustrated by collettivo Towanda.

Spot directed and animated by Francesca Quatraro and Chiara Tessera.
April 2017

"Hai preso tutto?"
 Booktrailer for  the book "Hai preso tutto?"
written by Alice Keller and illustrated by Veronica Truttero, published by Sinnon

Quatraro Francesca: co-direction, animation, After Effects compositing
Linda Kelvink: co-direction, animation
Chiara Tessera: co-direction, animation
Martina Carosso: background

March 2016

Waking up InTO The Movie
Commissioned spot for Film Commission Torino Piemonte
Direction: Massimo Ottoni;

Background: Martina Carosso;
Animation: Mathieu Narduzzi, Massimo Ottoni, Francesca Quatraro

March 2015

Acqua è vita
Commissioned spot for the charitable association L.V.I.A.
Direction, preproduction and stop motion animation by
Massimo Ottoni, Martina Carosso, Mathieu Narduzzi, Francesca Quatraro

Summer 2014



Here you can see some commissioned spots I made in the last three years .


Creative Fields