James White's profile

'St. Julian the Hospitaller'

'Julian leant back against a tree, and gazed with staring eyes at the enormous massacre; he could not think how it had been done.'
'The creatures on the branches spread their wings, those on the ground stretched their limbs, and all went on with him.'
'He fought against scandinavians covered with fish-scales, negroes with bucklers of hippopotamus hide, mounted on red asses, and gold coloured indians flourishing broadswords brighter than mirrors above their diadems.'
'Sometimes at the turn of a hillside, he saw a jumble of crowded roofs under his eyes, with stone spires, bridges, towers, and a network of dark streets.'
'The ferry came to be heard of and travellers appeared. They waved flags and hailed his from the other side, and Julian at once jumped into his boat.'
'St. Julian the Hospitaller'

'St. Julian the Hospitaller'

A selection of illustrations based on the story 'The Legend of Saint Julian the Hospitaller' by Gustave Flaubert.
