From Inside,

I wanted to be sure that all viewers of my work had access
to all the photographs I had to pick from to design and create
my final Faces & Places. The reason is because not only was my book the final,
but I have much more to show. The book was only half of my idea, once I was able to develop film
and photograph I wanted to create a dialouge between the model and the viewer. Not only that but, these
photographs represent something much more powerful, and what you should note, is that None of these photos
are digitly taken, all of the images are film. That is why I want to show these photos. Please enjoy, and thank you.
Below are the photographs I began to develope for the first part of my class. Some of these photos are contact sheets - which are 8.5 x 11 pieces of exposed paper with all of my negatives on them. These sheets are important because they show complete tonality in the images, and are an example of what my photos look like - taken from a 35 mm/ and 120 mm film camera. 
All images taken, hand developed, and hand exposed prints, by me.
From Inside

From Inside

These are all of the film photographs I used in my final piece/ faces and palces. For winter session 2016.


Creative Fields