JL DESIGN .'s profile

HBTV 2015 Channel Rebrand - Package Montage

位於長江與漢江匯流之處,除形成湖北特殊地理位置外,也造就其經濟與歷史文化的中心; 密佈的河網更令湖北與水的關係密不可分。JL DESIGN在2015湖北衛視頻道改版上便以「水」作為設計符號,從水滴、波紋、水氣泡、波浪等不同型態來傳達湖北衛視正如水一般,型態多變且蘊含豐富內容,傳承著千年歷史文化也乘載著每個人的夢想與願望。
Hubei is situated in the central region of China, a location where the Yangtze river and Han river meet. It is a center of economical and cultural activities, a reflection on the importance of the rivers. To Hubei, water is of utmost importance. JL DESIGN, in the 2015 refresh of HubeiTV, uses water as the main design element - from water droplets to ripples to bubbles to waves. Water as a vessel, carries with it, the hopes and dreams of the people of Hubei.

Package 頻道包裝
Water is not only beautiful in its movement but brings with it energy. The design and motion of the navigation pieces follow the way the water moves and pick up on its liveliness and energy. Blue is used as the dominant color.

Design Studio: JL DESIGN
Creative Director: JL 羅申駿
Executive producer: Angela Moo 巫安琪 
Project Manager: Macy Peng 彭梅娟, Jennifer Lin 林佳蓉
Art Director: Lance Wei 魏良恩
Designer: Hsiang Ju Hung 洪湘茹

VFX / Design company : Plenty
JL DESIGN : Jim Hsu 許峻良 (Further revision)

Montage Music:NONONO - Pumpin Blood
HBTV 2015 Channel Rebrand - Package Montage

HBTV 2015 Channel Rebrand - Package Montage

Hubei is situated in the central region of China, a location where the Yangtze river and Han river meet. It is a center of economical and cultura Read More
