Sheue Fang Lee's profile

ARC - Token of Appreciation

Brief 1:
There hasn’t been a major disaster event this year, which the Red Cross calls “blue skies”. Unfortunately, that means donations are down because people don’t perceive the immediacy of making a difference by donating money. On the contrary, the Red Cross quietly responds to home fires and other personal disasters every 8 minutes. How can we get people to donate money year round for all the personal disasters that need funding, but might not make the news?
Token of Appreciation
We could create a coin souvenir machine and place it in an area that gets a lot of foot traffic in large cities. 
The machine would be like a traditional coin souvenir except it would prominently feature a screen that would show people in need–such as someone begging for food, someone in need of a blood donation, someone who had their house burn down in a fire. Once someone puts a bill into the machine ($1, $5, $10, etc) and cranks the machine, the screen will show that person in need being helped by the donation to the Red Cross. As a token of appreciation, the machine would then give out different souvenir coins based on who was helped on screen and how much money was donated. 
The story told on screen could be different each time as well to get people to want to see the different ways their donations can help people.
Graphic example 1: A tornado attack someone house and he is yelling "help me". After someone puts a bill into the machine, the screen will show that the person in need is being helped by the Red Cross. The person in need restore his house from having the donations
Graphic example 2: A sick person is yelling "help me". After someone puts a bill into the machine, the screen will show that the person in need is being helped by the Red Cross. The person in need got blood donations through the Red Cross.
ARC - Token of Appreciation

ARC - Token of Appreciation

An creative assignment on how can we get people to donate money year round for all the personal disasters that need funding, but might not make t Read More
