Maya Shirakawa's profile

Precious stones vector

"Precious stones vector" is on Creative Market!
Sharp edges, true hues.
Emerald, rubies, sapphires.
These iconic stones need almonst no description.
"Emerald green", "ruby red", "sapphire blue": they even set a specific hue of their colors. 
They set a standard, in a way.
As it is not uncommon that rubies and sapphires are cut into emerald cut, I had the idea of crafting a vector file with my drawing, then recolor it to make a sapphire and a ruby as well.
It took some time to clean up and adapt the drawing into a vector, but the result is much better than what it would have been tracing a photograph.
Cover image for this product on Creative Market 
Precious stones vector

Precious stones vector

As a jewel designer, I have the chance to stare at real stones. I usually draw them with watercolor or oil colors in order to use them for future Read More
