futuretenselab.'s profile

present tense - japan | たがただいまは

"present tense - japan"
When interactive is what we experience and experiment, 
futuretenselab believes the observing, encountering, or undergoing of things generally as they occur in the course of time which allow us to create fun experiments.
Since March 2011, Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Accident raises nuclear fears in Japan,
futuretenselab has started a project , making an on-the-spot investigation in east japanby getting close to japanese daily life in order to collect all their latest "present tense" verb.
present tense - japan | たがただいまは

present tense - japan | たがただいまは

"present tense - japan" たがただいまは When interactive is what we experience and experiment, futuretenselab believes the observing, encountering, or u Read More
