Suren Makkar's profile

Everything Ltd. (2015)

Everything Ltd. is a participatory installation that tries to imagine how humans would experience the sense of movement possessed by fishes. Fishes feel vibrations and waves in water using a system of lateral line system on their bodies, giving them information about movement around them. Using sensors to track movement, the space combines with the participants’ sense of vision and hearing to give them something similar to lateral lines, immersing them into an imaginary section of the ocean.
“There are these two young fish swimming along, and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says, ‘Morning, boys, how's the water?’ And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes, ‘What the hell is water?’ ” - David Foster Wallace
Fishes feel vibrations and waves in water using a system of lateral line system on their bodies, giving them information about movement around them.
I was trying to invision a space that would require us to change how we use our senses to understand and interact with a space. LIght and Sound seemed like perfect choices to breakdown understand and imagine the lateral lines system inputs that fishes have.
Prototyping materials and lighting.
Making Arduino shields to configure custom-made simple capacitive sensors that would detect human presence, distance and speed in a very organic raw form.
"Like our senses, every instrument has a range. Because much of Nature remains hidden from us, our view of the world is based only on the fraction of reality that we can measure and analyze. Science, as our narrative describing what we see and what we conjecture exists in the natural world, is thus necessarily limited, telling only part of the story… We strive toward knowledge, always more knowledge, but must understand that we are, and will remain, surrounded by mystery… It is the flirting with this mystery, the urge to go beyond the boundaries of the known, that feeds our creative impulse, that makes us want to know more." - Marcelo Gleiser
A huge dark empty room with a grid of sensors that produce light and sound as people walk by. The light and sound produced is according to the distance and speed of people walking by.
Developing curiosity and changing how we approach understanding the world around us is the first step to bridging the gap we seem to see between humans and nature.
“If our small minds, for some convenience, divide the universe into parts - physics, biology, geology, astronomy, psychology
and so on - remember that nature does not know it.” - Richard Feynman
Everything Ltd. was conceptualised and developed by me for my graduation project with Center for Environment Education, Government of India in an independent project space, concerned with marine ecology and environmental education.
Everything Ltd. (2015)

Everything Ltd. (2015)

Everything Ltd. is a participatory installation that tries to imagine how humans would experience the sense of movement possessed by fishes. Deve Read More
