What sets ace apart?
Its people! Chances are, when you ask someone a question at a "big box" hardware store like The Home Depot or Lowes, you're asking a teenager or someone who has worked at the store for maybe months. When you walk into a franchise like Ace—which is frequently family-owned—and you ask a question, you're likely asking someone who knows what they're talking about from personal experience, and not just a corporate training manual. At Ace, real humans can translate your garbled, non-handy household problem explanations into real-world hardware solutions. All you have to do is #askace. 

Taking advantage of the capital A in the Ace logo, We developed a dialogue-themed campaign, full of crazy—sometimes frustratingly obtuse—questions and simple, handy answers from Ace.
Web Ads
These web ads are so bold, simple, and curious, that you can't help but give them a moment of your online time.
Print Ads
We gave the print ads an equally bold, simple and curious angle.
Outdoor Ads
The questions asked in our campaign come from real-world fix-it problems that exist everywhere—in customers' houses and out in the world. With a collection of #askace stickers, we use broken-down public spaces to remind people that when something needs a little TLC, all you have to do is #askace.
Sidewalk or floor stickers are perfect for areas around Ace stores, pointing folks in the right direction in an inviting way. Just stick em down, with the Ace A pointing towards the store!
ACE Hardware

ACE Hardware

For an ad strategy class, my team was given the challenge to help Ace Hardware differentiate itself from its big box competition.
