What: This is a re-imagination of not only a tea box but also trying to breath a little more life into a house brand, or generic.
Why: The original was not only a bit underwhelming as I saw it, but also perhaps a bit misleading. The color scheme seemed to make it more blend into the shelf than stand out in any major way. Also the choice of an orange primary color seemed to suggest it was a citrus tea rather than a black tea. My goal was to appeal to perhaps a more refined idea of tea drinking and evoke that feeling but not be overly invested in that to the point of perhaps making potential buyers with other sensibilities recoil. I also wanted to make it stand out and apart from other packaging in its shelf space. One of the restraints I placed upon myself was keeping the core brand label essentially in tact.
How: The first thing I did was select a color scheme to work in. After that it was a matter of doing some photo research to attempt to identify a visual feel for what I was looking for.
This is the end result of the various trials and errors. 
Printed and folded from the front. I decided on the golden leaf patern on the front to help frame the design as well as evoke an underlying sense of upscale I wanted the piece to give off.
Printed and folded from the back. I chose to simplify the back to embolden the brands core message as well as to make the preparation instructions stand out and strongly suggest both of its serving recomendations.
I drew some images for the preparation instructions.  My hope was simply to make some small icons that wouldn't look too manufactured yet would do the job.  The first glass to the left was a little too "busy" so I edited it to a more efficient version.
These are two primary examples of the general feel that I hoped to emulate going forward in this project.  I felt that a more dignified and potentially high-end look would evoke buyer confidence.
The original packaging.  It, to me, feels a little underwhelming and the color choices suggest both being a kind of tea it is not as well as a badly generic feel.
Here is the layout with the die lines and folds.  It also has in the upper right the initial color range I selected to work within.  I only really broke out of that range for the gold, wich is a sample from the cup of tea in the photograph I used for the cover.
Tea Packaging

Tea Packaging

This is a re-imagination of not only a tea box but also trying to breath a little more life into a house brand, or generic. The original was not Read More


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