Yes, after some consideration I've decided to give Gumroad a serious try. I'll do my best to create classes that cover a broad span of industrial design related topics. My plan to start with is to release one or two classes each friday for a few month.
If you have a suggestion on something that you would like to learn, please send me a message here on Behance, on Facebook or through email. If I find it interesting and doable, I will put something together.

I will organize my classes my different topics and difficulty levels. Each serie will consist of three videos/products (which itself contains the video, brushes and images). The first serie is called GREEN and is mostly for beginners and people with some knowledge of Photoshop. There is no advanced tools used and the workflow is easy to follow along.
I will organize my classes my different topics and difficulty levels. Each serie will consist of three videos/products. The first serie is called GREEN and is mostly for beginners and people with some knowledge of Photoshop. There is no advanced tools used and the workflow is easy to follow along.
This tutorial shows my workflow for fast ideation, with focus on proportions and silhouettes. It starts with the creation of black silhouettes which are then given some values to create a primary read of the design. 
Level: Basic
1 hour 40 minutes, full HD video
Full audio commentary
Brushes & PSD included

INDUSTRIAL DESIGN PROCESS 2: Conceptual Automotive Design
This tutorial shows my workflow for creating a more refined sketch, with focus on surfaces and overall visual quality. It start where the first class ended. You'll learn how to build up the sketch layer by layer, making it very easy to add and subtract information without touching what's underneath. I'll cover how use masks to create and define surfaces and much more.

Level: Intermediate
40 minutes full HD video
Full audio commentary
Brushes & PSD included
This tutorial is about different ways of creating well defined surfaces in a simple and creative way. We start with a rough sketch that I 've created some line art on top of. Then I show a really fun and flexible way of rendering tight surfaces and details. Simple tools and a pretty cool result in 2.5 hours - realtime!
Everything is built layer by layer, in a easy phase. No magic, just a smart way of working.
The main topics are:
- Defining Surface
- Using Vector Masks
- Highlights & Glows
- Color
- Basic Texturing
- Having fun!
Level: Intermediate
- 150 minutes video tutorial with full audio commentary - ALL REALTIME
- JPG Image of Artwork
- Toolpresets (.TPL file) with brushes and erasers
- The Result of Each Class in Order- 
Gumroad Tutorials!

Gumroad Tutorials!

This project is a collection of my Gumroad tutorials.
