Savannah Kaylor's profile

Sensible Seafood Fest

Program Description
The Sensible Seafood Program promotes ocean-friendly seafood. Sensible seafood comes from local and sustainable sources that are not over-fished or harvested in environmentally destructive ways. Each year, the Aquarium hosts the "Fest" where  people can sample the finest examples of sustainable seafood from local restaurants.
Artwork Description
Previously, the Sensible Seafood Fest artwork consisted of illustrated anthropomorphic sea life in humorous situations. After several years of that theme, we wanted to refresh the appearance of the marketing materials. To shake things up from the older theme, we focused on photography. We did, however, carry-over the classic gingham pattern that has always been used in Sensible Seafood Fest artwork. To create the poster, our team set up the image and photographed it to scale using fresh seafood, cocktail sauce, lemons, and related accessories.

I acted as Creative Director on the project, working with Ashley Laginestra - Graphic Designer and Stephanie Rameriz - Photographer.
| Two GDUSA In-House Design Awards for Sensible Seafood Fest |
Sensible Seafood Fest


Sensible Seafood Fest

Poster & save-the-date for annual Sensible Seafood Fest at the Virginia Aquarium.
