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Microsite Design for No More Names Campaign

Microsite Design for No More Names Campaign
In the wake of the horrible shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary, Everytown wanted to launch a summer “No More Names” tour that would stop at the location of recent shootings to raise awareness of the ongoing scurge of gun deaths in the US. At each stop volunteers and staff would hold a vigil to read the names of each of the victims of gun deaths.
On a rapid response timeline, Fission Strategy designed and developed a microsite that called to attention the running count of gun deaths to date since the Sandy Hook shooting. Working with existing branding to develop an online presence for the campaign, we implemented the microsite on a rushed timeline and was able to go live on the 6 month anniversary of Sandy Hook on June 14.
The microsite featured a call to action above the fold, a counter, an infinite scrolling blog, as well as Action Kit integration on internal pages. In addition, we included livestream capabilities above the site header.
Microsite Design for No More Names Campaign

Microsite Design for No More Names Campaign

Fission Strategy designed and developed a microsite for Mayors Against Illegal Guns that called to attention the running count of gun deaths to d Read More


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