TiNi group inspired by the lack of punctuality of the Greek people wanted to design a furniture dedicated to the ones who are actually on time for their meetings, but usually have to wait for their friends to show up.
Through design we cope with the problem of delays in a humorous and inspiring way.
The form of the Stood-Up Stool appeals to its "meeting-point" character and subconsciously attracts the public to approach and discover it. The playful pyramid has two hourglasses on its seats and it can accommodate up to four people.
Stood-Up Stool is a meeting spot placed in public space that encourages the communication between people.

The first one to arrive to the appointment approaches the meeting point, unfolds his seat in order to wait for the delayed friend and he activates the hourglass embodied to his seat that counts the waiting time.
If his date eventually doesn’t show up, he can make friends with the person seating on the other side of Stood-Up Stool!
As time goes by quickly it is important that we focus on face-to-face communication rather than having a strong relationship with our smartphones.

Stood-Up Stool is a furniture design project of TiNi group [Nicoleta Rafailidou, Tina Kolomvou]
for the Contest "Pame ekso", Athens [Greece], in March 2013
has been produced in to 1:1 scale and
exhibited in Technopolis, Athens, in May 2013

Photos: TiNi group
Special Thanks to Kostas Xenikos and our models, Ithaca, Katerina and Mary 

Furniture Design

Furniture Design

Stood-Up Stool is a social experiment that approaches the topic of being late to meetings in a humorous way through design. This is a project of Read More
