Zen is a mobile phone brand and we were called to produce their first series of ads.
We were very excited to produce the whole stories from scratch, thinking the concept, scripts, designs, storyboards, animation and music/sfx.
Our aim was to create a world where impossible things happen, although they look pretty regular and ordinary actions for the characters living inside it. 
Abduct objects and send them to anyone else wherever they are?? Checked!
Teletransport from your home to your favourite band live concert anywhere in the world?? Checked!
Getting your ass on a ride inside your videogames and get to know bizarre, odd and cool people while you play? Checked!
Enjoy it!

Direction / Script / Art direction / Design & Animation: NiceShitStudio
Music & Sfx: Perrolobo

ZEN - Gaming

ZEN - Gaming

Zen is a mobile phone brand and we were called to produce their first series of ads. We were very excited given that we were able to produce the Read More
