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Biohut Illustration for the National Aquarium

As an intern at the National Aquarium's Exhibits and Design department, I had the honor of creating content for one of the aquarium’s educational exhibit panels—this panel now stands among other aquarium signage along Baltimore's inner harbor. The National Aquarium recently began lining a wall of Baltimore’s harbor with biohuts—submerged, cage-like structures half-filled with recycled oyster shells. These structures improve the ecological health of the harbor in a variety of ways, from providing homes for water-filtering mussels to offering refuge to young or small fish.

Visitors and pedestrians were able to read about and locate these biohuts along the pier with the help of an overlooking panel. To help visitors more intuitively understand how biohuts work underwater, I illustrated the new central graphic and wrote the corresponding caption text for an improved panel.

Directly below is the final redeveloped panel, followed by details of my illustration—take a look, learn about this cool new technology, and if you're ever in Baltimore, visit this and all the incredible exhibits at the National Aquarium!
Biohut Illustration for the National Aquarium

Biohut Illustration for the National Aquarium

Biohut Illustration for the National Aquarium
