Garett Milks's profile

Drone Room - Camera Calibration

This month in the adventure of Full Sail, I was tasked with camera calibration. For this you must take a image, and essentially model it with a plane to create the appearance that the room is actually 3D when infact it is only 2D. I chose a dingy room and modeled a simple drone to hover and move around in the room. Below you will find screenshots from the various programs used, the final render and a quick clip of the compositing done.
The Room Of Drone
3D Model of Drone.
Adobe After Effects Timeline, Where all the magic happens.
Inside the wizardy that is Cinema 4D.
Quick Compositing Clip
Drone Room - Camera Calibration

Drone Room - Camera Calibration

This month in the adventure of Full Sail, I was tasked with camera calibration. I chose a dingy room and modeled a simple drone to hover and move Read More
