Assistant Art Director - Red Dead Redemption
Created initial logo treatment and temp name for RDR2. The name stuck and helped to shape the storyline.
Design, color and faux weathering for promotional playing cards and in game 2D design.  This image was created for a giant world map / look and feel board.
Illustrations by George Davis
Period design motifs: I helped to create a visual vocabulary for the game based on period reference.
In game graphic design: I created many signs, posters, and flyers for the in game world based on historical reference.
I created in game signs using historical reference.
Red Dead Revolver - 2D Art and UI
Content and pages from the journal which was a collection of concept art unlocked and displayed in the game world, filled with backstory on characters and environments.
Content and pages from the journal which was a collection of concept art unlocked and displayed in the game world, filled with backstory on characters and environments.
Tony Hawk 2X - Textures, Graphic Design
Tripleplay Basebal - Textures and Lighting
Kelly Slater Pro Surfer - Environment Art and Graphic Design
Video Games

Video Games

Examples of game art I have worked on.
