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The Filter Bubble TED Talk

Eli Pariser’s TED Talk on the filter bubble lays out the negative effects of Internet personalization based only on the things we like. Trapped in our own little bubble without challenging viewpoints or people who disagree with us is certainly no way to behave in a democracy.
As web companies strive to tailor their services (including news and search results) to our personal tastes, there's a dangerous unintended consequence: We get trapped in a "filter bubble" and don't get exposed to information that could challenge or broaden our worldview. Eli Pariser argues powerfully that this will ultimately prove to be bad for us and bad for democracy.​ TED2011 · 9:04 · Filmed Mar 2011
The Filter Bubble TED Talk

The Filter Bubble TED Talk

Eli Pariser: Beware online “filter bubbles”
