Road destruction is a personal project based on a Thinking particle tool built for this purpose, I would like to share my experience with you here.
This result was achieved through using:
- Camera: Sony Rx100 II on a car.
- Tracking: Boujou then exported to 3ds max. Excuse my experience in tracking I'm not that expert.
- Road mapping : I wrote a script that snapshot the camera across its path and apply camera map to the road object using this camera, and by painting some masks to blend between them we'll achieve the final result. Underground layer is a pure Noise procedural map with bump.
- I prefractured the road and used Distance threshold inside Cebas TP to activate Volume breaker which was used at three stages. I used SC for dynamics, It took about 15 hours for TP to simulate the scene (because of the small debris, without them it will take only three hours).
- FumeFX with inverted gravity was applied to TP objects (I checked export groups as objects).
- Compositing in NUKEX: I exported the camera from 3ds max using the newly implemented Alembic format. I used it to add some flying particles to the environment.
As you can see from the breakdown I wrote a scripted tool to create the road texture using the tracking camera, I'm not gonna list everything about it here just a tutorial for details you can check:
Alaa Al Nahlawi.
Road Destruction

Road Destruction

Road destruction is a personal project based on a Thinking particle tool built for this purpose, I would like to share my experience with you her Read More
