“If you are pissing people off, you know you are doing something right.”
 John lydon
I am what they say a rebel, because I am unique with a strong sense of individuality. I will act indifferent not to portray my ignorance but my absolute belief in coherence. I love to just live, to be true to myself, I live the way I feel is right.  I refuse to follow the line you drew because of the way I grew. I refute to social attitudes that have been preserved through willful ignorance; a process of questioning that separates facts from fiction.  I refuse to call myself what you say normal, let the truth be known that I hate to fight but battle on for reasons that are right!
I am what I am. 
“Elegance is the only beauty that never fades” Audrey Hephburn
 Sophisticated, classy best defines me and Chic is the term that is used to underline me.  I am passionate about my career because I overcome my every fear. I never appear in public with a soiled conscience or threadbare scruples. I’m always immaculately clean, adorned with independence and absolute sheen.  I am prim and proper because that is my only true manner. I am comfortable in my own skin as I am polished, refined and that is how I chose to be designed.
 I am what I am! 


Themes based Concept Artwork used in paraphernalia given out in Munich Fabric Start
