I created a fictitious magazine consisting of four spreads— the first an introductory spread and the following corresponded to the top three food places of my choice that I felt were very unique to the Philadelphia area. I wanted to create a consitent look using the different iconic foods that each place served, all in the shape of a giant circle (pizza, pie, donut). I created these symbolic representations myself.
The Dig In logo was made by using imported graphic images (spoon,fork, soda, and coffee) from clker.com which hosts many royalty free images. The "D"  and "I" used the typeface, Blackoak Std in Regular.
I used the typeface, Sail in Regular from the Adobe Creative Cloud for title text and Univers LT Std 53 Extended for body text.
The background tiled images of food I found online on the Neusblog, but was created by Always With Honor
I just repeated it as an element throughout the layout as necessary.
1) Pizza Brain
For emphasis on menu items and their prices I kept within the same type family and used Univers LT Std 93 Extra Black Extended.
2) Magpie
3) Federal Donuts
Dig In Magazine

Dig In Magazine

For Electronic Media/Production I, Fall 2014.
