Activity Mapper maps out two days of personal activity using data-driven digital fabrication methods. 

There are theories that exercise and sleep have a sinusoidal correlation. To test this out, two nights of sleep activity were recorded using SleepCycle (enabled with Sleep Secure) and movement activity for the corresponding days were documented using Moves & Move-o-Scope. Data for each day was then visualized and etched into acrylic plates. When juxtaposed on a 'base' panel with a map of Boston, and a legend, we see the "sprawl" of movement, for a day and it's night.
Panel for the day and night of 20 March 2015
Above: Panel for the day and night of 19 March 2015
Above: Simulating the overlay of multiple panels.
Activity Mapper

Activity Mapper

A visualization of geospatial and temporal data using data-driven technologies.
