Taking its content from the chapter Invisible in the book Stuffy Matters by Mark Miodownik, this multipage website serves  as a form of promotion for the appreciation of glass, material science in general and the book itself. The pages are designed to be dynamic and immersive to quip genuine curiosity in the visitor and draw their attention to the invisible but ubiquitous materials around them. Full-bleed image and video backgrounds play a significant role in creating an experiential journey through the textual content, with video shots edited together in 40-second sequences that loop throughout the Applications pages. This timeframe is determined by the approximate time required to read through the text at a moderate pace. The homepage background is also a 20-second sequences, fading in from black upon loading and back out to black.


Taking its textual content from the chapter Invisible in the book Stuff Matters by Mark Miodownik, the multipage multimedia website serves as a f Read More
