Karen Rios's profile

Logjammer D'Baggagecling

A two part 30 minute sketch with added detials
Commissioned to draw a Key and Peele East/West Pro Bowl character:
Logjammer D'Baggagecling
30 Minutes in at this point
First 30 minute sketch completed
10 more mnutes to do the text
so 40 minutes in now
I took the back image as a separate 30 minute sketch
so this is now 70 minutes in 
"WEST" took me another five minutes
1 hr 15 minutes total 
Logjammer D'Baggagecling

Logjammer D'Baggagecling

A quick sketch commission of the Key and Peele East/West Pro Bowl character, Logjammer D'Baggagecling total of 1 hr 15 minutes
