We where tasked to put the bring Misereors printcampaign, featuring linocut illlustrations, to life by creating this animated short. 
As with all my work at Sehsucht I was fortunate enough to work with some crazy talented people. Check the credits for more information about them.
C r e d i t s :
Kunde: Bischöfliches Hilfswerk MISEREOR e. V.
Leiter Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit: Michael Kleine
Agency: Kolle Rebbe GmbH
Creative Director: Lorenz Ritter, Christian Doering
Art Director: Julia Siniaeva, Andreas Meier 
Copywriter: Sabine Kuckuck
Consultant: Jan Kowalsky
Producer: Emanuel Mugrauer
Music & Sound Design: Vandertone Music and Sound Manufactory


Animated Short for Misereor e.V.
