Eleni Zervos's profile

Photography 2 Portfolio Finals

This is from my black and white project portfolio.  I took it in New York right by the hotel my family had stayed in.  I love the way the light shines behind the sign in the center of the picture, and how the grates on at the bottom  creates texture.  There is truly no boring aspect of this picture.  
This is one of my favorite HOWL's because of the feeling Rose (the subject) creates in the picture.  I love how when she is jumping in mid-air, the only thing blurry is her feet.  her striped shirt and brown boots add contrast against the black background.
This is by far my favorite HOWL picture i had taken.  I love how you can only see her eyes and i feel as though it adds a mysterious factor to the subject.  Her eyes look watery, pitch black with only refelctions of the light shining on her.  I love how the background makes it look as though she is popping out of the shadows surrounding her face. 
I took this picture for my themed portfolio of landscapes.  This was taken during my trip to Hawaii and i feel as though this photo really shows the beauty and color that accentuates nature on the island.  I love how the sky fades to white, contrasting with the layers of vibrant colors.
This picture is my favorite of the year.  I love the road refection throught the ball and how it looks like it goes on forever.  I love the yellow lines that adds vibrant color to the grey and black street.  The way the road adds texture and the sun creates a shadow and gleams on the ball is picture-perfect.  
I just enjoy looking at this photo.  It was from my black and white portfolio and in my opinion it screams "AMERICA!!!" or "FREEDOM!!!"
I love this reflection photo and the way the wooden model is in a pose.  In my opinion it is just my artsy take on a reflection picture.
Photography 2 Portfolio Finals

Photography 2 Portfolio Finals

Photography Final Portfolio


Creative Fields