Killer OSC is my take on a three oscillator synthesizer.
From the main interface you can access and set the types of waveforms for each oscillator as well as their tuning. The center area features an ADSR envelope controller.
A low frequency oscillator is user programmable to any shape or waveform. The LFO controls the cutoff frequency on the filter module.
In addition to the filter I have included 4 of my favorite FXs: BitCrush, Delay, Reverb, Chorus, Overdrive and Distortion.
These FX can be activated as needed and have multiple editable functions.
Right up front and center is a stereo oscilloscope viewer. I like having this viewer because you can really see instant results of how your edits effect the waveform. I believe this is a great tool for people starting out in sound design and synthesis.
Currently this plugin is only available for use in FL Studio. VST version coming soon!
More about Killer OSC here:
Killer OSC

Killer OSC

Killer OSC is my take on a three oscillator synthesizer.
