Debora Faria's profile

Harlem Street Fairs and Festival

At this project, the objective was to revitalize the surroundings of the solid-waste Marina Transfer Station, in the West Harlem. Besides the MTS, the area has several warehouses, vacant lots, and physical and visual barriers, such as the Broadway and 12th Ave. viaducts. There is also a Columbia expansion project for the site. The Columbia project tends to bring big retailers to the region, replacing the small local business.
All this aspects make the streets around quite hostile to the pedestrians and with scares business activity. Therefore, the proposal for the site is related to the economic development of the community, at the same time it tries to connect the highest part of the land to the waterfront. The objective is having more opportunities to small merchants, stimulate cultural activities and pedestrian transit, and attract more tourists to the neighborhood.
First intervention ideas
The bad distribution of commercial units around the neighborhood, the closure of
local business - once big retails stores are already in the region - , and the Columbia expansion
project tends to dislodge local business from the West Harlem.

The proposals in these project (12th Ave Street fair, Broadway pushcart fair, and temporary
garden parklets structures) aim to stimulate the local business and merchants,
besides being a point of interest in the community.
The site analysis presented below is based on the mapping of stores, location of
tranport stations, Columbia extension project future projections and physical barries found in the
Synthesis of the current Broadway and waterfront configuration.
This fair aims to take advantage of the new pedestrian fluxus broght for the big Columbia retailers and installing a winter fair with small local business. For this, the traffic and the sidewalks have to be restructured. The streets at the fair locations will be narrowed, reducing the speed of the cars.
Broadway fair. Proposal.
Broadway fair. Proposal.
Broadway fair. Proposal.

Install a summer fair under the Riverside Drive Viaduct, once its structure would provide shade in the warnmest months of the year. The viaduct also is a picturesque environment, from where is possible to view the Hudson River and the Harlem Pier park. The idea of this fair is, together with the Broadway fair project, garantee a variety of events involving local business during the year, atracting people  to the neighborhood and promoting local and small business.

THE FARMER MARKET aims to create a place to sell all king of natural products, but is also a way to promote the community gardens in Harlem.
EVENTS AND ARTS FESTIVAL - In association with local clubs and groups, hold an outdoor music and dance festival. Possible partinerships: Cotton Club, Appolo Theater, Hip Hop Cultural Center, Dwyer Cultural Center, Gospel Choirs
12th Avenue Summer fair proposal.
Harlem Street Fairs and Festival

Harlem Street Fairs and Festival

Project of Urban Design and Economic Devolpment that aims to connect part of the West Harlem to the waterfront.
