Drake Cooper Indie Book
When agencies are all going digital with their self-promo pieces, Drake Cooper decided to go vinyl and create a book. Rather than the usual guided tour through agency history, personnel, and a portfolio, this piece was constructed to communicate the Drake Cooper "indie" approach to marketing and advertising. It's really a book without a beginning, designed to be dipped into at random and with short teasers to featured work at the agency website. 

Read through the entire book in the embedded ISSUU version and view screen grabs with some commentary below.

This kind of sums it up my approach to this work:
“Some kind of dialog is now going on between individual human beings and the sum total of human knowledge and...nothing can stop it.”

—Terrence McKenna, author & philosopher

My favorite image from the book. A great example of how Jennie Myers can take a headline and create something new and exciting. The task was to talk about building brands in today's crazy climate. (To read all text, view the ISSUU version)
An important spread in the development of the piece. The key was to speak to industry buzz words and standard approaches and turn them upside down, in this case the positioning of oneself as a "different agency."  While honestly recognizing that everyone says they're different, we also speak to important agency values. (To read all the text, read the ISSUU version above.)
This spread came about more as internal advice, but ended up in the book. I think clients need this advice more than anyone really. Ideas are unruly and unpredictable. Great ones are even more so. (To read all text, view the ISSUU version)
A favorite spread on the "ideas that sell" angle. (to read all text, see the ISSUU version.)
This was an important section in the development of the piece. To talk about digital without sounding like all of the industry blow-hards was a challenge, so I brought in Finnegan's Wake as a reference. I don't know why. It just felt right. This happy accident  evolved into a key insight that no one really knows what digital is all about, much like Finnegan's Wake. An earlier draft actually included a page from Finnegan's Wake.  Too nerdy? Probably. (To read all text, view the ISSUU version)
This is the standard RFP section on capabilities turned on it's head. Being indie means to do more with less and Jennie Myer's design made this spread rock. (To read all text, view the ISSUU version)
"Some people think you can create desire. We think that desire created that idea." One of several spreads featuring the Drake Cooper workspace with some food for thought. This idea actually came out of some discussions at a Buddhist retreat where people thought that advertising was wrong livelihood because it created desire in people. My stance was we already have desire as sentient beings. It's part of the hope for happiness and fear of suffering that drives existence and experience. I then flipped this to show that even thinking that someone could create desire is, in fact, created by desire. Why? Because desire and its evil twin, anger, both mistakenly assume that the causes of both happiness and suffering exist outside of one's mind. Sorry, desire. You're wrong.
Concept: Sean D. Young, Jennie Myers
Writing: Sean D. Young
Art Direction/Design: Jennie Myers
Illustrations: Cale Cathey
Creative Direction: Joe Quatrone
A review from the YUDU blog, featuring key online publications:

"This creatively designed agency portfolio highlights not only the agency’s award-winning work, but discusses the power of an idea, what it takes to truly be independent, and how limitations ignite creativity. With quotes like, “Uniformed opinions are the fanny pack of the digital age” and “Limitations force change and change is the gasoline of the creative bon fire,” you can’t help but be both entertained and intrigued. One of the most compelling quotes from the Drake Cooper Indie book, however, has to be, “Every now and then, industry pundits claim it’s the end of print, the death of the 30-second TV spot, and the demise of advertising as we know it. Actually, these things don’t die. They reincarnate.” We couldn’t agree more."

The full-piece:


The existential promo-piece? The existential reference here nods to the old-school definition of existential as a mindset focused on “the existen Read More
