My first two submits to threadless for 2015.  It's for their "One Color" contest.  Being a black & white artwork kind of guy this was a natural for me.  The first one is called Modern/Warrior and the second one Pretty/Tough.  
My latest to Threadless for their Peanuts contest.  I called this one "Modern Day Snoopy".
My latest to Threadless, for their "Top Gun" tee shirt contest.  Called it "Maverick".  I'm a 1980s and Top Gun nut so this contest was impossible for me to pass up.
My submit to the Threadless "X-Files" tee shirt contest.  I'm a huge fan so I had to enter.
For the Threadless McDonald's All Day Breakfast Tee Shirt contest.  I came up with coffee: morning, noon & night.
Threadless -2015

Threadless -2015

All of my submits to threadless for 2015. I'll continue to update this folder throughout the year.
