Danielle Frater's profile

Theatre Department Poster Design

Our Graphic Design II class was given the opportunity to design the poster for Juanita Rockwell's play, "Between Train". 
Ro & Marius P. Johnson Scholarship Award Winner
• Buddhism inspired play that teaches about life’s obstacles in a witty and whimsical way.
•The protagonist’s trench coat is broken into five pieces to represent the five elements  of Buddhism. 
•The broken pieces creates a path in which the protagonist has to travel to find her way  out of the train station.
•The colors used on this poster is the same colors that is used in the Buddhism flag.
•Higher Than High typeface was used for the play title and rest of the copy was in Gill  Sans. 
Theatre Department Poster Design

Theatre Department Poster Design

Our Graphic Design II class was given the opportunity to design the poster for Juanita Rockwell's play, "Between Train".
