Joan Balle Llabrés's profile

3.1.3 Reurbanitation of Santander's street (Besós)

The project is focused in an old industrial village near the Besós River. Our intention is identifie the main street of this village to connect this zone with the river and the foreign housing villages.
The project tries to mantein part of the industrial dynamic of the original village, but incorporating some residential zones that, with the help of some public equipments and green corridors to join them, will re-activate the zone.
General plant of the zone - Besós River and New Park of La Sagrera as our fronteers
Placing Santander Street in the current city (Barcelona)
Diagrams of the propose
Highs variability depending on uses                                               Industry restoration and green corridors
Section explanation
The intensity of the circulation in the main street as a constrast with the ones near it, with green zones and pederastian streets.
General Plant of the propose
Ground floor - urban relations + public equipments
Flat floor - housing and offices
Elevation of the final main street of the project - C/ Santander
Photography of the model - 4 blocks of the project
Perspective - Industry structure as a strategy for the interior courtyards
3.1.3 Reurbanitation of Santander's street (Besós)

3.1.3 Reurbanitation of Santander's street (Besós)

Urban Intervention in C/ Santander (Besós,Barcelona) 3rd Grade of Architecture 2nd Semester - Workshop professor: Francesc Bacardit
