Drew Cox's profile

SHORT FILM - 'The Bearorist'

The Bearorist

A short black comedy mocumentary about a bear travelling home from the City of London, taking the nature of terror to a whole new level and highlighting the feelings of many of the youth living in the city in 2011. The 1st rule of Bearorism is....

Follow the Bear!!

No Church in the Wild.

Created by Drew Cox
Mickael Ndour &
Danny Whitfield

Music by King Cannibal


Government Cuts, Rioting, Unemployment, Loss of Authority and Failure to stabilize the Economy. London is Burning.

The film epitomizes the feeling of many of the youth in the city in 2011. Its time to recognize the problem and make sure this never happens again.
SHORT FILM - 'The Bearorist'


SHORT FILM - 'The Bearorist'

A short black comedy mocumentary about a bear travelling home from the City of London, taking the nature of terror to a whole new level and highl Read More
