En Boca Cerrada (in a shut mouth).
Illustration featured at artXposium

Growing up my grandma always told me that is better to keep your mouth shut when there is nothing good/nice to say. And she was right. There are many politicians out there that need to listen to the popular proverb:

"En boca cerrada no entran moscas"

Translation:‘In a shut mouth, flies cannot get in’

Interpretation: Sometimes silence is the best option.
Equivalent English proverb: Silence is golden.

artXposium is a multi-media artwork of national and international artist. Displayed at Gallery 200/Studio in West Chicago, IL.
Illustration featured at artXposium, entitled “En Boca Cerrada”
Eyes, detail.
Honey lips, flies and texture, detail.
Scroll and background texture, detail.

En Boca Cerrada...

En Boca Cerrada...

illustration entitled "En Boca Cerrada" (In a shut mouth) featured as part of artXposium, a multi-media artwork of national and international art Read More
